Our Selling Advantage

Our Selling Advantage



Confidentiality is vitally important when working with any M&A professional during the selling process. National M & A Group protects information about your business from being presented to unqualified buyers. The firm requires potential buyers to provide proof of financial ability to acquire your business and to sign various confidentiality documents. Thus, the Seller can make an informed selling decision, all within the confines and security of confidentiality.

Fair Market Value

National M & A Group works with Certified Business Valuation Professionals to determine the fair market value of your business. This highly professional process will require you to spend two hours answering questions as they pertain to your business' position in the market, competitors, employees and financial information. All information will be gathered by National M & A Group. There will be no third party visits.

More Buyers with Large Network

National M & A Group, through its affiliations, offers business owners the opportunity to access the largest business brokerage network in the world to sell their business. In addition, we share commissions with brokers outside of our network, thus, providing an even larger network to our selling clients.

Strong Web Presence

The company has a very strong web presence, consistently ranked ahead of its peers - not only by way of the number of web marketing sites, but more importantly by its search engine ranking across key buyer and seller search terms.

Professional Marketing

A poor sales presentation package, with insufficient or incorrect information, is one of the major complaints expressed by buyers. We create one of the best and most professional presentation packages in the industry, ensuring that sellers are effectively motivating the acquisition of their business. When a prospective buyer is presented the information on your business, they will have most of their questions answered and be able to make an informed buying decision.

Multiple Offers

Finding one prospective buyer is insufficient. Creating competition among multiple buyers is always our goal. A buyer without competition feels free to offer less than the full value of a business. When a buyer knows several other buyers are looking at the same business, they are hesitant to offer less than the price and terms being solicited.

Buy A Business

Sell A Business

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Hours of Operation

Mon - Fri 7am - 5pm
Sat 7am - 3pm
Sun Closed

Call Us

Phone: 1-778-383-6393
Toll Free: 1-855-275-8885
Mobile: 1-604-316-3050